Andrzej wajda autobiography
Andrzej wajda biografia!
Andrzej wajda autobiography
Wajda, Andrzej
Nationality: Polish. Born: Suwałki, Poland, 6 March 1926. Education: Fine Arts Academy, Kraków, 1945–48; High School of Cinematography, Lodz, 1950–52. Military Service: Served in the A.K.
(Home Army) of the Polish government in exile, from 1942.
Andrzej wajda katyn
Family: Married 1) Beata Tyszkiewicz, 1967 (marriage dissolved), one daughter; 2) Krystyna Zachwatowicz, 1975. Career: Assistant to director Aleksandr Ford, 1953, then directed first feature, Pokolenie, 1955; directed first play, 1959; made first film outside Poland, Sibirska Ledi Magbet, for Avala Films, Belgrade, 1962; directed Pilatus und andere for West German TV, 1972; following imposition of martial law, concentrated on theatrical projects in Poland and film productions outside Poland; government dissolved Wajda's Studio X film production group, 1983; managing director, Teatr Powszechny, Warsaw, from 1989; senator, Polish People's Republic, 1989–91.
Awards: Grand Prix, Moscow Film Festival, for T