Autobiography eisenhower scandals

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    When Gunfire Ended, So Did Ike's War Romance

    DELETED FROM a picture of Dwight D. Eisenhower, dismissed with a mere mention in the general's war diary, Kay Summersby was one of the tragic figures of World War II.

    She was Eisenhower's chauffeur and companion and perhaps more.

    The end of World War II in Europe signaled the end of the road for chauffeur Kay Summersby's three-year relationship with her boss, Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower.

    Her face was censored from the official photo taken by Technical Sgt.

    Al Meserlin, Ike's personal photographer, on that May morning in 1945 when the Germans surrendered at the red-brick schoolhouse in Reims, France.

    In a print of the original picture, which Meserlin has kept in his scrapbook for 50 years, Summersby is in the background as Eisenhower holds aloft in a V-for-victory gesture the two pens used by the high-ranking German officers to sign the surrender.

    When Eisenhower left Europe for a Pentagon assignment some months later, Summersby's n