Kishani jayasinghe husbands
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Kishani jayasinghe husbands
By Izeth Hussain
Izeth Hussain
Probably Kishani Jayasinghe will say that she has no politics at all. She is an opera singer by profession, indeed by vocation, which requires much time and unceasing effort, leaving no space in her life for engagement or even interest in politics.
She therefore leaves politics alone. But she realized on February 4 that while she may want to leave politics alone politics won’t leave her alone.
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That is not the consequence of her being a celebrity. It is the fate of all of us who have to cope with modernity that politics will not leave us alone. That is why there have been so many articles and letters to the editor about the fate that befell her on February 4, including one by Kishani J herself.
All of them have focused on the politics of what happened on February 4, more particularly on the question of the alleged outrage to national sentiment in her operatic rendering of Dunno Budunge.
That focusing on the alleged outrage to national