Jean-luc godard movies

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    Jean-Luc Godard filmography

    Year Original title English titleNotes 1989 Le Rapport DartyThe Darty Report / The Darty ConnectionNathanael, the 2000 year-old robot; co-directed with Anne-Marie Miéville1990 Marithé François Girbaud: Métamorphojean1991 Pour Thomas WainggaiFrom Contre l'oubli1991 L'enfance de l'artCo-written and directed with Anne-Marie Miéville; also Editor 1992 Parisienne People CigarettesEditor 1993 Les Enfants jouent à la RussieThe Kids Play RussianPrince Mishkin; also Editor 1993 Je vous salue SarajevoI Salute Thee Sarajevo / Hail SarajevoNarrator; also Editor 1995 2 x 50 Ans de Cinéma Français2 x 50 French Cinema YearsHimself; co-directed with Anne-Marie Miéville; also Editor 1996 Plus Oh!Editor 1996 Espoir/MicrocosmosEditor 1998 Adieu au TNSHimself 1999 The Old PlaceNarrator; co-written and directed with Anne-Marie Miévi