Rainer maria rilke poems analysis

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    Rainer maria rilke poems in german.

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    Rainer maria rilke poems analysis

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  • Rainer maria rilke poems in german
  • Rainer maria rilke german poems
  • I am too alone in the world, and not alone enough by rainer maria rilke
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    What Will You Do?

    Rilke questions God on what His actions will be when he dies.

    He feels himself to be God's jar, and wonders what will happen differently if he is cracked. He also marks himself as God's well-spring, pondering what will be the outcome if it runs dry.

    Rainer maria rilke german poems

    He continues to call himself God's craft and vesture, before pausing and remarking that God will lose his purport if he dies.

    Rilke argues that when he dies, God's house will lose the sweet words within. He mentions that god's feet will long for him, the sandals they tiredly desire to be wearing.

    He tells God that His cloak will drop from His shoulders, which hurt, and that His sight, one made happy by regarding Rilke's face, will be confused by such