Ugesh sarcar 3rd degree heart
3rd degree murder.
Ugesh Sarcar
How many things have we wanted to be when we were kids?
Ugesh sarcar 3rd degree heart
Some of us said, "I'm going to be a pilot," while others said, "I'm going to be an astronaut," and of course there were those of us who even back then had no clue about our own ambitions and aspirations.
Yet there are those who actually dream the dream and have what it takes to make that a reality.
Ugesh Sarcar is one such individual.
He stuck by his eight year old self's challenge and worked at mastering human psychology for a period of fifteen long years. Whilst many take the route of colleges, degrees and even PhDs to earn this mastery, Ugesh took a unique approach.
His attitude has been the same since the beginning.
Like he says, "If you're going to do something, you better make sure you're the best and not amongst the rest."
Ugesh explored the human mind in the every day lives of people. He worked in various fields, such as marketing, selling, memory enhancement, medical transcription, call centres