101 road tales by clement salvadori contact

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    Clement Salvadori

    The first half of my life was pretty dull. Born in up-state New York of Anglo-Italian parents, I was raised mainly in Massachusetts, but also went to school in England, Italy and France.

    101 road tales by clement salvadori contact

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  • 101 road tales by clement salvadori contact list
  • 101 road tales by clement salvadori contact information
  • 101 road tales by clement salvadori contact details
  • At 16 I earned the money to buy a motorcycle, with my parents giving me a helmet and saying that if I were ever seen on the bike without the helmet on my head, that would be the end of my motorcycling career.

    At 18 I rode my elderly Indian Chief off to college (Harvard) and then did my military service as a demolitions expert in the US Army Special Forces (Green Berets).

    In I was briefly a grossly overpaid public relations person working in Vietnam with Raymond, Morrison-Knudsen, Brown-Root, and J. J. Jones (RMK-BRJ) a construction company making stacks of money and predecessor to the infamous Halliburton corporation.

    As Eisenhower had warned, beware the military-industrial complex.

    In I enrolled at the Monterey (CA) Institute of International Relations for an MA in Southea