Franco harris wife and son
Dok harris!
Dana Dokmanovich is the wife of the late NFL Hall Of Fame Franco Harris.
Franco harris wife and son
Harris mostly played for the Pittsburgh Steelers with one season as the Seattle Seahawks player. Dana and Harris were in a marital relationship for many years before the latter’s passing. Harris’ wife also attended several public events with her husband when he was alive.
Dokmanovich however has kept most details of her personal life behind-the-closed doors.
Read what the widow of the deceased footballer is doing these days in addition to some details with respect to her origin, parents, children, and more.
Dana Dokmanovich Is The Daughter Of A WW2 Veteran
Dana Dokmanovich, according to some public records, was born around the year 1950.
Picture of franco harris wife and son
She likewise is said to be residing in Sewickley Pennsylvania.
There always has been less information available about Harris’ wife, Dana. Some obituaries, however, suggest she is the daughter of Peter Dokmanovich and Bess Dokmanovich.
Much like her father-